General Syllabus for Language Course

  • Main field(s) of study and in-depth level:  Language & Cultural Studies 
  • Level: A1 Level- B2 Level
  • Grading system: Fail (F), Pass (P), Pass with distinction (UP)
  • Applies from: 27th of July, 2020
  • Entry requirements: Entrance Exam & Viva 
  • Responsible department: School of Language, Umran Green School

In addition to selected grammar and speaking activities:
– weekly cover new vocabulary and quiz students on them
– reading comprehension with vocab
– building listening skills
– activities in class (dialogues, debates, skits, presentations, etc.)


A1 (beginner in class)

A2 (Elementary in class)

B1 (Pre-intermediate/Intermediate)

B2 (Intermediate/upper-intermediate)

C1 (Intermediate to Advanced)

C2 (Proficiency)


Verb “to be” (Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative) + Speaking activity (greetings and introduction)

Introductory class + Speaking activity (greetings and introductions using grammar from A1)

Comparison + qualifying expressions (much/a little/far)

Passive Voice

These two fields are mostly review, going over mistakes, and practicing more with texts, reading, listening, speaking, building vocab and much more. No more grammar!


Phonetics (alphabets and their pronunciation)

Giving instructions (Imperatives) + Ability: can/could/be able to (Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative)

Review Articles (a/an/the) + some/any +

Adjectives and Adverbs


Nouns (plural, irregular, countable/uncountable)

Question words in English (what/which/who/where/why/when/how/whose)

Quantifiers (few/little/lots of) + Review Imperative Form

Gerunds + Infinitives


Pronouns and their types + Speaking Activity (FILL LATER)

Have/Has, Have got/ Has got + posession (affirmative, negative, and interrogative) and posession in the past

Reported Speech

Make and Let (active and passive voices)


Articles(a/an/the) + There(is/are)/Some/Any + Writing Activity (Worksheets)

Comparatives and superlatives

Present (Simple, perfect, perfect continuous)

Used to/Be used to+doing/would


Conjunctions (and/but/or/because) + prepositions of place & time (in/on/at) + Writing activity (worksheets)


Going to/ will for predictions/for future events/spontaneous decisions/Future Intentions (be going to + verb/ be (verb)ING to + verb + MIDTERM EXAM

Past Tenses Review (Simple, perfect, perfect continuous) + MIDTERM EXAM

Causative Verbs + MIDTERM EXAM


Present Simple (Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative) + Present Simple for Future Facts (ex.: The bus leaves in ten minutes) + Speaking Activity (personal experiences in present tense)

Future tense (Will, Might, Going to)

Future Tense (will + going to)

Relative Clauses + Tag questions


Past Simple (Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative) + Speaking Activity (talk about past experiences)

Reflexive pronouns (myself/yourself/etc.)

Like & As + review Modal auxiliary verbs (using tenses – may/might/can/could/will/would/shall/used to)

Past Perfect (had done)


Can for Ability and Possibility + Will for Offer + Speaking activity (FILL LATER)

Modals of Obligation: Have to/Need to/ Must/Ought to/Should for advice(Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative)

Conditional Sentences (zero and first)

Checking Tenses and solidifyin all of them


Possessive Adjectives + Demonstratives (this/these/that/those) + Speaking activity (describing people/objects with demonstratives)

Adverb of manner + adverbs of frequency

Prepositions and Adjectives + Prepositions of Time + Preposition of location/direction

Using Wish


Comparative and Superlative + Speaking Activity (comparing different objects/people)

Irregular verbs and irregular past participle

Phrasal Verbs

Time Expressions in English


Adverbs of frequency (always/often/usually/sometimes/never) + irregular adverbs (+ly f.ex.: fast remains fast, it does not become fastly) + Speaking activity (talk about frequency of personal actions/routines)

Present Perfect + Present Continuous + Present Perfect Continous (Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative)

Forming Questions in English + Tag questions

Linking Words


Imperative Sentences + Speaking activity (inviting/refusing/accepting/requesting/offering/thanking) + Review

Past Continuous + Past Simple (Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative)

Adverbs and their kinds (adverb of degree with respect to adjectives) + intro to active/passive voices



FINAL Exam (timing and day at teacher’s discretion)

FINAL Exam (timing and day at teacher’s discretion)

FINAL Exam (timing and day at teacher’s discretion)

FINAL Exam (timing and day at teacher’s discretion)







UGS Academic Calendar 

Spring Semester

( Feb– May)

Summer Semester

( June– Sep)

Winter/Fall Semester

(Oct– Jan)

Application Process – January1st  to 20th

Umran General Entrance Exam: Jan 23rd.

Language Test:  Jan. 29th
Interview: Jan. 30th

Registration: Feb 1st to 5th .

Orientation & Certificate Day: Feb 12th .

Classes begin: From January 13th 

Course completion: May 8 th 

Application Process – May 1st  to 20th

Umran General Entrance Exam: May 22nd.

Language Test:  May. 28th
Interview : May. 29th

Registration: June 5th to 12th .

Orientation & Certificate Day: June 18th .

Classes begin: From June19th 

Course completion: September 18th 

Application Process – August 1st  to September 15th

Umran General Entrance Exam: September 22nd.

Language Test:  September. 28nd
Interview : Sep. 29rd

Registration: Oct 5th to 12th .

Orientation & Certificate Day:
Oct 15th 

Classes begin: From Oct 16th 

Course completion: Jan 15th 

Course Assessment

Two Quizzes & Assign (30%)

Midterm Exam (30%)

Final Exam (40%) 

In the 4th Week & the 11th Week + two assignments  (10% Quiz + 10% Assignments + 10% Class attendance & Participation 

Total : 30%

Between  5th and 6th  Week

In the 12th Week 

Learning Outcomes

The course is self-contained. Upon completing the course, students will know practical grammar and grammatical terminology and insights into pronunciation rules and the relationship between spelling and pronunciation. Students will be able to read and write and will be able to develop essential communication as well. They will also learn the culture of the language where it is spoken.

  • Students can understand familiar words and phrases directly related to everyday communication situations (family, shopping, home, work) when people speak slowly and clearly.
  • Student can understand short, simple texts and personal messages can find information from simple daily readers (labels, posters, directories, ads, job offers, menus, schedules)
  • Students can handle everyday typical communication tasks. They can question and answer, communicate in a simple language.
  • Student can write notes and compile an elementary personal message/letter, fill out formulas.

Study methods

Role-playing, watching and analyzing videos, reading, listening and translation exercises, group, and pair work.

Description of the learning environment: 

  • Native Speaker Teachers 
  • Virtual International Classroom
  • Weekly Cultural Event 
  • Opportunity to participate in our Weekly Cultural Event.
  • Friendly WhatsApp Group where you can learn from each other and ask for help regarding language learning

Study materials list

  • We will provide study materials.
  • Free E-books

Requirements for completing studies, including assessment methods and assessment criteria:

The precondition for completing studies is participation in 90% of contact hours.

At the end of the course, the learner must complete an A1-level graduation test/ exam inside the training company, including writing, listening, reading and speaking according to the topics covered.

Assessment methods & criteria

  • Listening – understands the most straightforward questions and the core of the information hears when the conversation partner speaks slowly and clearly and is ready to repeat.
  • Reading – understands the content of the more accessible texts (labels, posters, catalogues, ads, menus, job offers, schedules), guesses the unknown words on a contextual basis.
  • Speaking – can answer questions about themself, talks about themselves, family, place of residence food using simple sentences.
  • Writing – can write a short message.

Document (certificate) issued upon completion of the course

The certificate is issued when the completion requirements are met, i.e., that the learner has attended at least 90% of the contact hours and completed the graduation test. The certificate indicates the title of the course ended, the volume of the course or the number of academic hours, the time of the course, the register number of the Multilingual Language Center and the registration number in EHIS. The certificate is signed by the teacher conducting the course and the Head of the Language Center.

The certificate is issued if the learning outcomes were not achieved (the graduation test was not completed), but the learner took part in the study. The certificate is issued according to the number of contact hours attended, but not if the learner participated in less than half of the classes. The Head of the Language Center signs the certificate.

Description of the trainer’s qualification or study or work experience: 

Teachers conducting language courses have all the teachers’ qualifications and long-term experience in teaching for adults.

Date of approval of the curriculum: July 25, 2020